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- Alienvision 2 - SweetFX HDR Lighting Performance

Alienvision 2 - SweetFX HDR Lighting Performance
About This Mod
This is not ENB, and does not use any part of ENB! This is a pure SweetFX that has little to no performance impact and no compatibility issues! It is a sequel to the original Alienvision for Skyrim, but heavily tweaked and updated specifically for Skyrim Special Edition! Yay!
Install in the Skyrim Special Edition!!! folder The following exe should be together!
Run ReShade Setup.exe and then select SkyrimSE.exe, IGNORE ERRORS!!! They're fine!
All screenshots (before and after) are taken with Realistic Lighting Overhual! Highly recommended!
Set your game to Brightness/Gamma for maximum! (Or close to it, depending on how dark you like!)
Check out my other More Alien Skyrim and Aetherius mods! Both go very well with this fashion!
SweetFX is a free resource, which means that I have developed only SweetFX_Settings.txt!
This mod is designed to be very dramatic, moody and breathtaking, with no serious impact on the FPS. This is an attempt to get better coverage at ENB level without the use of ENB. Everything is really colorful, but not oversaturated. The nights are dark, but it's my personal preference if I'm asked, I can make a version with less dark nights.
Do you think the shadows are too dark and you don't want to wait for a new version?
Open SweetFX_Settings.ini and go to Lift Gamma Gain Settings.
Make sure all three parameters in the group have the same value!
I didn't create or help create SweetFX myself, I use these files with the author's indirect permission through the permissions of the mod he uploaded. I give full credit to the original author!
How to delete?
Go to the main Skyrim Special Edition folder (not Data!)
And delete all of the following files/folders!
SweetFX (folder)
Reshade Setup.exe
Read Me.txt
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