Support for content creators!

At our platform, we aim to support talented and creative authors who create unique game additions. We offer you the opportunity to not only share your creativity with the world, but also earn money from your efforts.

  • For you, we always have open statistics where you can see how much money we have already paid out to authors!picture1What makes our platform unique is that we offer rewards to add-on authors for every download of their content. Every time someone downloads your mod, you get a portion of the revenue from that download. The more downloads, the more money you make.
  • Income is calculated based on the formula:

    • - Tier 1 countries = 1,000 (one thousand) downloads = $4 (four US dollars) New Zealand, Switzerland, Germany, Canada, Ireland, Norway, France, Australia, United Kingdom, United States, Luxembourg;
    • - Tier 2 countries = 1,000 (one thousand) downloads = $3 (three US dollars) Netherlands, Portugal, Iceland, Belgium, Slovenia, Poland, Denmark, Austria, Ireland, Australia, Sweden, Italy, Czech Republic, Spain, Finland, Cyprus, Croatia, OAE, Hungary, Hong Kong, Malta, Andorra, Ukraine, Estonia, Republic of Bulgaria, Japan, Latvia, Slovakia, Lithuania, Brazil, Korea, Montenegro, Singapore, Greece, Argentina, Turkey;
    • - Tier 3 countries = 1,000 (one thousand) downloads = $2 (two US dollars) Romania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Albania, Macedonia, Serbia, Saudi Arabia, El Salvador, Nepal, Turkmenistan, Paraguay, Suriname, Gabon, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Algeria, Namibia, Azerbaijan, Thailand, Bahrain, Panama, Honduras, India, China, Bolivia, Belize, Uzbekistan, Nicaragua, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Pakistan, Chile, Morocco, Jordan, Oman, Jamaica, Bangladesh, Iraq, Malaysia, Tunisia, Colombia, Cambodia, Armenia, Comoros, Brunei, Tajikistan, Laos, Tanzania, Nigeria, Ecuador, Trinidad Tobago, Egypt, Dominican Republic, Mongolia, Philippines, Israel, Georgia, Angola, Peru, Cape Verde, Mexico, Cameroon, Qatar, Ethiopia, Kuwait, Vietnam, Barbados, Guatemala, South Africa, Indonesia, Puerto Rico, Sri Lanka, Botswana, Congo, Senegal;
    • - Tier 4 countries (other countries) = 1,000 (one thousand) downloads = $1 (one US dollar).

We strive to create a fair reward system where your success depends on the quality and attractiveness of your add-ons. The more unique, exciting and useful mods you upload to our platform, the more likely you are to get more downloads and therefore more money.

We are inspired by the idea of supporting a community of creative developers, and we want to provide you with a place where you can unlock your potential and be rewarded for your efforts. All you have to do is upload your add-ons to our platform and we'll take care of the rest.


We support a variety of genres and games on our platform, so you have the freedom to choose what you want to put your efforts into. From action and RPGs to strategy and simulation games, there is room for every creative author. Don't worry if you are new to creating mods or have limited experience. We support aspiring authors and offer various resources and guides to help you understand the process of creating and uploading add-ons to our platform.

So let's do it together! Join us today, upload your unique game add-ons and start earning money for each download. Get your creativity on the most innovative platform with game add-ons and let the world see what you can do!

Thank you for joining our team of content creators. We look forward to your contributions and are eager to support your success!

Best wishes, Game Add-ons Platform Team