
Weapon Information Timer mod for WOT

Category - Scopes
Mod version:1
Game version:
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About This Mod

While analyzing tank crews' MOD needs, the WotSite.Net team discovered the need for a timer of gun information and began looking for a MOD to solve the problem. The WotSite.Net team found the mod of the gun information timer for WOT

Gun lock time (seconds)

Artillery blocking time (seconds);

Time of flight of artillery and tank bullets;

The original author of this fashion shows a completely redesigned and improved message timer. The mod was rewritten from scratch and new features were added. The text displaying the messages has become more readable.

Added a feature to enable timer display at certain events, such as target capture or target hover, adding additional information. In the near future, the author will add the ability to display the message timer only in art mode, but for now it is only available for older versions. At the moment, it looks like this

Surprisingly, we didn't notice any FPS drop after installing this option. In addition, the following features were added that were not available in the previous two versions

The total message time after the last movement of the weapon (i.e. you zoom in and point the weapon, the second number in the timer message shows the total message time after the last movement of the weapon. Each time it is different: the first time you lose more information, the second - less, etc.).

The rate at which the target moves.

New precision indicator.

  • On-screen text can now be edited using HTML tags.

    They will now always know how long it is before weapons are fully operational and the consequences of their proliferation if fired before they are ready. This information provides a more accurate picture of the situation and helps ensure a successful attack. The MOD timer is also useful for most optical sights that do not have bullet flight time. In general, mod is quite useful in combat. Like most modern mods, it has a settings file with which you can customize what information to display and what not, change the font and color of the text. It is located at this path: WOT\mods\configs\ekspoint\mod_ExtraAimInfo.json, where you can configure the following:
  • view of the information timer in each sight mode ("TextFlashArcade" - arcade, "TextFlashSniper" - sniper and "TextFlashStrategic" - art sight);
  • Enabling timer shutdown in each of these modes ("enable": true or "enable": false)
  • Adjust view, size, font, shadow, text color (Text block: {} and shadow block: {})
  • insert any picture underneath the text (block "background": {} for each sight separately);

Frequently asked questions.

Q: How do I display only the message timer?

A: If you want to display only the message timer, you need to edit the line "format": as follows: "Collation:{{aimTimeRemain}}s". The same is true for other output fields. For a complete list of available macros, see macros.txt.

Q: How do I reduce or enlarge fonts?

A: If you need to reduce or increase the font, find a line with size='16' and write a smaller number, or a larger number, if you need to increase it.

Q: How do I change the location of the message timer?

A: In the latest MOD update, you can move the timer around the screen by holding down the left CTRL key and pressing the up and down arrows.

Q: How do I make the timer and time information of the projectile appear only in the artistic mode?

A: Open the MOD configuration file, look for "TextFlashArcade": {, then look for "enable": true and replace true with false; do the same for "TextFlashSniper": {.

Q: How do I add a background below the timer text?

A: Each section of the settings has a "Background" block: { You can add a background in the image format below the text.

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