
Tanks for the site World of Tanks

Category - Scopes
Mod version:1
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About This Mod

Many tankers try to install sights that are used by famous players in the tank world. This led to requests for scopes from Jove, Desertod, Kirill Oreshkin and others. This fate has not escaped ProTanki, and many are looking for ProTanki for World of Tanks. Its multipack is the second most popular collection of mods.

Yushi's sights are based on the minimalistic Deluxe sights, but adjusted to the requirements of top players, making them as useful as possible and necessary. They take up less screen space and at the same time provide all the necessary information.

description_0 Tanks for the site World of Tanks

Additionally, useful sensor information such as enemy armor thickness and bullet penetration can always be used to deal damage where needed, with a high probability of success . 

There are no cool bells and whistles in Pro Tanki's Sight, everything is as simple as possible, but in this simplicity lies enormous potential. It will suit everyone, regardless of their tastes and preferences. To make the game more enjoyable, the "Ready" cooldown message has been replaced with "Punish". Punish a random deer with this amazing scope.

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Game Version * (9d38ee37ae66a0cc8baf8e6f6fbb9efd.rar)