
Mod: ArtoBoost - replacing art information with arcade information WOT

Category - Scopes
Mod version:1
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About This Mod

Spotter-mod attracts your attention to the original mod: ArtoBust-Exchange artistic information in the arcade wot1.23.0.1. It's the story of fashion itself. This is a modification that allows the use of arcade information instead of artillery. Accuracy is greatly improved, and for some reason, many people are happy with this method. I took it as a joke, but it suddenly became popular.

description_0 Mod: ArtoBoost - replacing art information with arcade information WOT
But this is surprising, because bus mods do sometimes improve artillery efficiency. With it you can see the armor penetration indicator, which gives you the opportunity to aim at the most unprotected parts of the tank, but this is not all the advantages. Everyone will find that this mod gives him an advantage. And use it with a healthy person's combat aide - a fashion for self-propelled artillery [] You will become a god of artillery in general.

Try this package, I personally installed it for myself, and now I can play the way it used to be without all this, this is what your art site looks like after installing a combat assistant and fashion Artobust.

description_1 Mod: ArtoBoost - replacing art information with arcade information WOT

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Game Version * (27f6a1ea1a3791ff0e5087023ecc4ac9.rar)