
Repainting Natural Lighting in Cyberpunk Style

Mod version:v1.0
Game version:all
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About This Mod

Cyberpunk-style repainting of natural light

Made for use in Vanilla or as intended with WT3WD's E3 2018 Lighting MOD

An explanation of what this combination does...

I wanted to get rid of the green shade and give cyberpunk a more natural and clean look, so I made myself a repaint preset.

Then I wanted to change the entire visual range to make cyberpunk look like e3, so I started looking for a lighting mod for e3 that wouldn't get rid of the vanilla volume clouds and wouldn't look like emptiness when you enter the dark areas of the game. So this E3 2018 Lighting MOD by WT3WD was a great solution to this problem.

Finally, I turned on some extra options and added colors, now the game does not look too faded + without this green shade.


Install Reshade and select the effect packs used in my preset (Standart\Color effects by prod80\Legacy).

Install the file (under Files) and drag it to SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64

Open Reshade using the HOME button and select the preset of the NCL2077.ini file in the game.

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Game Version *

all (NCL2077-6807-1-1-1671326586.rar)