
New appearance for liches from the Undead mod

Category - Races for Skyrim
Mod version:1
Game version:1
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About This Mod

Download Undead Fashion and meet Isled Leach from Case and I wanted to play for her, but when there's no opportunity, it's a change for you. And with this change, you can also create an image of the Dragon Priest. To buy the visuals of the Immortal Norion (Isled Leach), prepare the tamira corrosion while passing the immortals,通常のものを選択 す る 必 要 が あ り ま すVeilNewsNewsshroud.To get the look of a dragon priest, you need to cook an antiseptic essence and form a veil (each veil will have its own color shown and described below). priest If you choose the usual coverage,それからドゴラン の 基 本 的 な 着 色 が あ る で し ょ う 黒 を 選 択 す る 必 要 が あ り ま すonOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnTo get the coloring for pictureshroud OnOnOnOnMonday OnTo get the coloring book for Dukan, you need to select the black cover, but first you need to move the contents of the Dukan folder, which is in the Dragon Priests coloring folder, to the History folder.

To get an azidal color, you need to choose a green veil.

Questions and Answers

Question: What happens if you prepare the corrosion of Namir and choose a green or black coating?
Answer: Aylade Leach has a model, but AMI has a curved texture.
Question: Where to find black and green paint.
Answer: It is located in the basement of the Shining Wear store in Slithida, close to the main door.
Question: How to get a ghost look.
Answer: You can start the player.Run the addspell0005030b command in the console. People and other forms will also have a ghostly appearance, while you will have a ghostly appearance.
Question: The reason is necessary for the emergence of the Iledean Lich.
Answer: No, no reason is needed for this change to work.
Q: Mod works with Skyrim, Skyrim LE, Skyrim SE and Skyrim AE.
My answer is yes.

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Game Version *

1 (7e11877ff98f86e68138895060d75f19.7z)