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Drag Race - Drag Inspired
About This Mod
This mod adds a new race called Dragh. It's not very laura-friendly, but if you use your imagination, it might work for you. The Drags have custom textures (at the moment I'm half finished with just a head, as that's probably the only thing you see from their characters), they're more combat-oriented than their Argonian cousins. They receive bonuses in heavy armor and block, as well as in combat with one-handed and two-handed weapons (changes are possible). I added new skills that are more relevant to the subject and still remain true to their reptilian roots:
Resistance to poison and disease - resistance 50%.
Resistance to damage - 15% (their heavy scales provide additional protection and reduce their effectiveness as thieves).
Dragh Claws is a copy of the racial kajit skill with almost no bonus (mostly aesthetic).
Weakness to shock - 25% (it began to look a little overloaded, so I added this nerve).
Race is entirely based on the Argonians and uses all of their assets, so if you have mods that change them, it's almost certain to affect resistance. But the resistance is a little larger. In addition, your health and endurance regeneration increase while mana regeneration decreases, meaning that this race is mostly targeted (if not exclusively) at warriors. The reason I did this is because the races didn't feel like they were somehow influencing your style of play, and it didn't suit me very well, so if you need a mage, I advise you not to take the time because you'll have to wait forever for your mana to recover.
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