
Bookshelf Mod (1.20.4) - new utilities, hooks and events

Mod version:1
Game version:1.20.4
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About This Mod

Bookshelf Mod (1.20.4) is a core/library mod that adds new features and tools to the game for other content creators to work with. The main goal of this project is to harness the collective power of the modding community to create great tools that everyone can use.

Building Bookshelf from a repository using Forge Gradle is very simple - Bookshelf uses the Forge Gradle Wrapper, which is included with the repository To compile the mod, clone the repository or download and simply run 'gradlew build' from the command line in your project directory. An obfuscated jar and a dev jar will be generated in the build/libs folder.


Horse Armor: Easily add new horse armor to your game.

Stack Colors Items: Change the color of items using a command or by editing the NBT.

ItemEnchantedEvent: Event to change the enchantment behavior.

There are many utilities, from simple to complex.

< /figcaption>

Commands: /BookshelfHand.

This is a debug command added by Bookshelf. It allows you to export the game data of the items you are holding in your hands in various formats. For example, the "industry" option outputs a JSON string that can be used in datapacks to enter recipes, etc.

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Game Version *

1.20.4 (97b0100e6e9464a1f3e0eaa86b685680.jar)