
Fallout 4 Mod Cleaner

Mod version:1.5
Game version:all
The mod has been successfully tested for the absence of viruses

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About This Mod

This tool will delete all extra files and folders in the fallout 4 directory (only vanilla files and folders for Fallout 4 beta 1.3.47 will remain. The rest will be deleted).

Very easy to use: paste the location of your fallout 4 directory into the text box or locate it, and then click clean.

image 1 for Mode Cleaner for Fallout 4

Now the game should be compatible with any mod. Steps to add a new game

1. Back up the original FileMasterlistDoNotEdit.txt file

2. create the batch file in the root directory of the new game with forfiles /s /m *.* /c "cmd /c echo @file" >> FileMasterlistDoNotEdit.txt, then run it.

3. remove all quotes from the generated FileMasterlistDoNotEdit.txt file, i.e. these "

4. place the generated FileMasterlistDoNotEdit.txt file in the same folder as Fallout4Cleaner.exe.

5. use as usual for fallout 4.

A few details.

The FileMasterlistDoNotEdit.txt file lists all the files included in Fallout 4 beta 1.3.47.

It also includes KeepList.txt, which you can add file names to.

The program scans the contents of the directory and compares each file with these lists.

If it is not listed, it deletes it.

When finished, it finds folders without contents and deletes them too =)

To quickly generate a text list of all files in your Fallout directory

create batch file with command

forfiles /s /m *.* /c «cmd /c echo @file» >> FileList.txt

Move it to the Fallout directory and start. This will create a filelist.txt file

with a complete list of all your Fallout files.

keeplist.txt, which can return the Fallout directory to a fixed state.

In the filelist.text file, both sides of the file name will be ". Use Notepad++ and

find/replace with nothing (no space, just leave blank), then replace


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