
Highest Level of Detail (ULOD)

Mod version:1.0
Game version:All
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About This Mod

Updated for DLC "Campus".

This modifier increases the distance of rendering trees, columns, buildings and network models.

Please check the settings of this modifier!

Comparison with LOD Toggler

Unlike LOD Toggler, this modifier has little effect on performance. This means that it can be used in both screenshots and games! In addition, it allows an increased distance of rendering compared to LOD Toggler (10 kilometers instead of 1000 meters).

ULOD also supports props for decals (farmland, snow, sidewalk, tire tracks, etc.)!

Shortcut keys.

[Ctrl] + [...] Enables "screenshot mode". Temporarily changes three rendering distances by 100 km without affecting the selected option.

[Ctrl] + [Shift] + [...] Enables Unreal Mode mode (all distances are set to default values).

[Ctrl] + [Alt] + [...] Switches to LOD Mode mode. This is useful for asset creators to view LODs at close range.

To return to the settings, just press the same key combination again!

Recommended Modifications

Randomly rotating trees: When using this modifier, you can see randomly rotating trees at a distance. Eliminates tree jumps.

Adaptive Prop Visibility Distance: The larger the prop/tree, the farther the visibility distance! Ultimate Level of Detail is compatible with this modifier!

Camera Position Utility: take isometric screenshots (set FOV to zero and use very high LOD distances).

Dynamic resolution: take more beautiful screenshots; buildings and trees look noisy due to poor CSL AA. Higher rendering resolutions will significantly reduce this problem.

Compatibility with other MODs.

Fully supports the mod "Infinite Trees".

LOD Toggler uses the same shortcut keys. There will be no problem until you use the shortcut keys.

Note on Decades.

In the free DLC patch for Campus, CO has added the ability to adjust the rendering distance of decals; ULOD now supports this! Previously it was impossible!



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