
Simple Threat Meter for WoW 3.3.5

Category - Raid addons
Mod version:1
Game version:3.3.5
The mod has been successfully tested for the absence of viruses

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About This Mod

A simple threat meter add-on for Wow3.3.5 measures the threat level (aggro) associated with a mob. If you take first place in agriculture, the mob will attack you. Why is this necessary? It's very simple. Suppose you went into a raid, the tank hit the boss, and the dd hit him. If the Dds are good, they have ruined agriculture, and the boss has attacked them (given their survivability, they are enough for exactly 1-2 strokes). A simple threat meter would resolve this situation.

Addon's capabilities:

  • Acoustic warning for agro failure
  • Pleasant Addon Design
  • Adjust bar colors
  • Vertical and horizontal display of threat level
  • Autohide if you're not in a group or raid.

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Game Version *

3.3.5 (