
Lose Control 3.3.5a

Category - Arena/BG addons
Mod version:1
Game version:3.3.5
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About This Mod

Shows how much control you are under and how long it will take to unfollow. For example, burns of a robber (stun), the cleric's silence, and various stun and spells often make it difficult to control the character or interfere with casting spells.

The control icon can be easily adjusted to fit and position on the screen.

Lose Control for wow 3.3.5a was created primarily for PvP players (PvP - player vs. player). It also finds the cd value of a certain enemy spell, calculates its culdawn, and if you catch an enemy with this spell: ...... Well, that's another story.

Call Settings: /lc

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Game Version *

3.3.5 (4ad5081c2a1bf276f69f7cab5d6c61df.rar)