
P MOD - Gingerbread cookies and packages

Mod version:1.75.0
Game version:
The mod has been successfully tested for the absence of viruses

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About This Mod

Description for MODE

Description language:

PMOD is a complex modification, which is a single mode, not a set of mods.

It allows for improved gameplay and offers many new features that were previously unavailable to players.

In a typical configuration, the mode does little or nothing and changes from a pure client:

- Slightly increased lifting camera in arcade and artillery mode.

List of features and capabilities provided by changes:

- You can change the value and multiplicity of the number of steps in the sniper's sight.

- You can disable viewing and / or lock camera.

- You can turn off the power supply in sniper mode.

- You can add session statistics to the system channel.

- You can view the current magnification rate in the sniper area.

- You can display enemy detection labels.

- You can save the selected server in the login window (as in patch 0.8.10 and earlier).

- You can change the message after the battle.

· You can turn off the red flash if it gets in the tank.

· You can disable camera shaking when hitting a tank.

- You can filter game chat from unwanted messages.

· You cannot activate the manual brake in sniper mode while playing with a tank fighter.

- You can turn off the inertia of scrolling in arcade mode (appeared in 0.8.11).

- You can clear the system channel of unwanted messages.

- You can hide unwanted pop-up messages.

· You can change the start screen of the player panel (ear).

- You can change the display time of the discovery label.

- You can change the behavior of horizontal stabilization.

- You can change the distance to the camera at the beginning of the fight and after death.

- You can change the scroll sensitivity in arcade mode.

- You can change the distance in arcade and artillery mode.

- You can turn on the camera for free while watching the replay.

- You can remove / put the removable equipment by simply pressing the button 1 time.

· You can set a fixed initial value for the sharpshooter sight multiplicity.

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