
Rewarding actions

Mod version:1
Game version:1
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About This Mod

This mode enhances the experience gained from exploring new locations, breaking locks, managing dialogs, exploring, creating new items, and improving weapons and equipment. You can set this mode yourself at any time.

This mode does not change the experience gained from killing or exploring the planet completely, but rewards other common activities that we all perform during the game.

The mode modifies the following types of experience:

Discovery of new landmarks and locations on the map (space and ground):20-80 Exp.

Dialog Management:10-100 Exp.

Studies: 8-15 + 2 Exp for each subject proposed for study.

Production of food, medicine and other general-purpose resources:1-12 Exp.

Weapon and Equipment Improvement: 1 to 30 Exp for improvement.


Easy :5 to 15 exp.

Average:10-30 Exp.

Hard:15-45 Exp.

Very difficult20-60 Exp.

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