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- A new look at the cities and settlements of Skyrim v1.8

A new look at the cities and settlements of Skyrim v1.8
About This Mod
Improvements in villages and towns
Modification related changes
Forage running
-Add vegetation cover
-Adding wildlife
-25 new NPCs (5 companions)
-Adding walls around the city
-8 new buildings.
-military camps, various fortifications and barricades.
On both sides of the city.
-Many additional decorative elements (boxes, barrels,
crates, barrels, debris, lights, benches, tables, decorations, etc.)
-15 new NPCs (2 companions).
-A lot of scenery.
-Many new plants in the city.
-10 new NPCs.
-New lighting in the city.
-More landscape design
-Adding vegetation cover
-8 new houses.
-16 additional NPCs (1 companion)
-Additional vegetation.
-Added lights.
-Decorations added.
-Added forge.
-Navi Network Settings
Sea stone
-4 houses added
-10 NPCs added
-Added vegetation cover.
-Creatures added.
-Added lighting fixtures.
-Add decorative items
River tree
-Additional vegetation
-Added wildlife.
-Added 10 NPC (2 companions).
-Added lights.
-Added decorative items.
-Added two new houses.
-Mercenary outpost added.
-Added vegetation.
-Added 8 NPCs.
-Added lights.
-Added gate
-5 new houses
Added -2 new homes.
-6 NPCs added.
-Add gate.
-Add vegetation, remove unwanted vegetation.
-Add decorative items
-The navigation network is configured.
-The interior of the Tavern "Wailmere" has been changed.
-Added lights.
Dragon Bridge.
-Plants added.
-5 NPCs added.
-Decorative items added.
-Added lights.
-3 new houses
-Plants added.
-7 NPCs added.
-Insects added.
-Lights added.
-Two doors added
Add -6 NPC
-Added decorative items
-Creatures added.
-Add lanterns
-Plants added.
-5 NPCs added.
-Added decor items
-Insects added
-Lights added.
-Two doors added
Wind helmet
-Added five new NPCs.
-Added two new houses.
-Mercenary camps
-Dark Elf Quarter improved
-Lots of decorations
Place the Esp file in the Data folder
Delete esp files
This mod is not compatible with "Beautiful Cities (Vaitran, Riften)" and "Improved Cities and Towns".
This mod is not a plagiarism and does not copy "Superior Cities and Towns" or "Beautiful Cities (Vaitran, Riften)". When testing this mode, i.e. 40-hour playthrough of the game, there was not a single failure! The Fps has fallen, but only slightly. If you have a problem with the game after installing the mod, then in case there is another add-on that conflicts with this mod.
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