
Legendary SSE Player Home Map Markers

Mod version:2.0
Game version:all
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About This Mod

Settlement token for all regular game houses.

It's the only .esp file that can be easily combined with almost any other .esp fashion file.

A marker for the houses of Hearth, which is no longer used anywhere else to highlight the three houses of Hearth.

None of the markers are checked before and FastMove is not enabled until you find them!

In the three cities where battles are taking place during the civil war, house markers will now be switched off during battles to avoid quest problems.

(Solitude, Weitern and Windhelm)

For color card markers like I have in the picture, I suggest = Pastel card markers

Houses covered:

Arch Magician's Dwelling - Winterhold Collegium (a marker on the roof between two doors)

Breezehome - Whiterun

Hjerim - Windhelm

Honeyside - Riften

Proudspire Manor - Solitude

Vlindrell-Marcart Hall

Severin Manor - Raven Rock

New tokens for:

Heljarchen Hall - Pale

Lakeview Manor - Falcreat

Winstad Manor - Hjalmarch

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Game Version *

all (Legendary Player Home Map Markers-1221-2.7z)