
Expansion of the Edge.

Category - Mobs
Mod version:1
Game version:1.19
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About This Mod

According to the author of the Minecraft's End Expansion mod, this is another improvement in edge measurement. This addition could have a huge impact on Edgemain's world and make it even better. The add-on contains a large number of new biomes, buildings, gadgets, items and even weapons.

Functional features

Two new biomes

< p>Buildings

Two new mobs

Individual workbenches

Powerful weapons

Chorillium Forest

Strange, purple place covered with chorillium. Giant chorus mushrooms and Ilmen vines constantly grow here. A great biome to find mushroom lights.

description_0 Expansion of the Edge.

Chorillium swamps

Mystical location with thick fog, vegetation and magical ponds. Warped Chorus Mushrooms, Warped Ilmenya Vines, and the Tsirlush Plant grow here.

1 of 4

description_4 Expansion of the Edge.

The Forgotten Library

The Edge is a rare structure that is generated exclusively in the far corners of the world (over 3000 blocks along the X or Z axis). Home for the ancients with all their treasures.

description_5 Expansion of the Edge.

The Wanderer

A lonely soul who wanders aimlessly through the world of endermen. Kills any enderman or player by draining the soul.

description_6 Expansion of the Edge.


The more intelligent ancestors of the endermen, with whom you can befriend and trade.

Workbench of the Ancients

An unusual block for creating improved items. Obtained only by trading with elders.

description_8 Expansion of the Edge.
description_9 Expansion of the Edge.

Ancient Staff

A powerful staff that can suck the souls from all enemies. Naturally, it is based on the skull of a wanderer. Can only be crafted at the ancient workbench.

description_10 Expansion of the Edge.
description_11 Expansion of the Edge.

New features

  • Bone remains will be generated in Chorillium swamps
  • Added new effects
  • < li>Biomes have become twice as large
  • Changed the appearance of blocks of new biomes
  • Fixed bugs

Similar Mods/Addons

Game Version *

1.19 (a7b436814eee5f44301fa2d292828e4b.mcaddon)

1.18.30 (a7b436814eee5f44301fa2d292828e4b.mcaddon)