
Atropos | Map for Minecraft

Category - Cities
Mod version:v1.0
Game version:1
The mod has been successfully tested for the absence of viruses

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About This Mod

If you want to try an unusual card in Minecraft, I advise you to pay attention to Atropos. One of the most striking aspects of this map is the structure of the place. A giant mechanical tortoise is used as a springboard for the city, on which other objects are placed.

The city of Atropos itself is built in a steampunk style, with most of the architecture being occupied by various levers and mechanisms.

description_0 Atropos | Map for Minecraft

Despite this, the color scheme of the metropolis is dominated by woody tones. In general, the modeled metropolis is very colorful, and it is interesting to explore.

description_1 Atropos | Map for Minecraft
description_2 Atropos | Map for Minecraft

How to install a card

Step 1: Download the archive with the map.

Step 2: Unzip the archive and create a folder.

Step 3: Copy the Atropos Maps folder to the .minecraft/saves (if not, create it yourself).

Step 4: Find this card in the menu on the "Single Game" tab.

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