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- Military Helipad XRE

Military Helipad XRE
About This Mod
This mod adds a variety of helipads to New Vegas. Version 1.13 is available. This version is intended for users who do not have DLC Old World Blues. It has only 13 locations so far, but we will update and add new ones. The DLC version has up to 29 locations. Description This mod was originally made for myself, but I saw that it could come in handy for others. It adds helipads to many locations, including all major NCR camps and all DLCs. We found this useful because there aren't many flat surfaces to land Vertibird on. If you want me to add a helipad, I'll add it. The helipad we added has a guiding light to help you land and see where you are at a distance. If there are any problems, please let me know so I can fix them. We're going to add more helipads, but we don't want to overdo it. V1.13 update is now available. This version does not require OWB. There are currently only 13 locations (listed below. Version 1.1 is already released). V1.2 Version 1.2 will add helipads to the enemy camp. We also plan to add ambushes to some helicopter areas. I also have ideas for more sophisticated helicopter landing sites and a special place to hide Vertibird, but in V1.2 this may not be the case.
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