
More Deadly Deathclaws

Mod version:3.3.5
Game version:all
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About This Mod

When I first started playing Fallout 4, I was immediately struck by the terrifying appearance of the Death Claws. But as the game progressed, I was stunned by the real complexity of these creatures. The aim of this fashion is to bring Deathclaw back to the level of FO3 and FNV: the horror of the wasteland. I tried to make the fight with Deathclaw more difficult, but also more useful. This mod aims to be as story-friendly as possible so as not to stand out in the main game.

  • Increased statuses for all varieties of Death's Claw.
  • Added 19 new varieties of death claws (57 if you take into account the varieties of ambush and legendary varieties). These varieties are based on a mixture of 8 vanilla archetypes.
  • Reintroduced the carved Quantum Death Claw, altered its stats, and added it to the spawning points of Death Claw in NukaWorld.
  • New sliced feathers for Death's claws.
  • Added perk to allow death claws to bypass a portion of the DR. from the power armor; lower-level power armor will break down, and higher-level power armor will continue to provide significant protection.
  • The XP award was increased to compensate for the increased difficulty; the xp award was doubled and then further adjusted depending on the type of Deathclaw.
  • All Death Claws have their maximum level removed, and the stats calculation has been changed based on the player's level.
  • The death-chameleon claws are now truly invisible, as they should be!
  • New consumables: Chameleon gland. Hunt the chameleons of Deathclaw to collect iron, providing them with the effect of invisibility. Consumption gives you 90 seconds of invisibility.
  • More items have been added to the killer's inventory.
  • Changed the list of death claws spawn levels: Death claws have no maximum level, and more dangerous versions will spawn earlier.
  • 2K and 4K textures from Jimhsu! The main file contains 2K textures. To obtain 4K textures, download the main file and then load the 4K textures.
  • New Zone: Devil's Den. A cave teeming with death claws in the western hills of the Shining Sea.
  • New Deathclaw gauntlet mod. Look at the Devil's Den, but be prepared for a fight.

Possible future plans:

  • Unique model for chameleon gland.
  • Further balancing.


Place DeadlierDeathclaws.esp and DeadlierDeathclaws.ba2 in the Fallout 4 Data folder. Then, enable the mod in the in-game mod manager.

With the help of the mod manager:

Just download and install. You're done! (I recommend Mod Organizer or NMM)

Uninstall instructions

Remove Deadlier Deathclaws ESP and BA2 from the Data folder, or simply remove using mod organizer.

Similar Mods/Addons

Game Version *

all (Deadlier Deathclaws-13822-3-3-5.7z)