
Updates and compatibility patch for the Improved Trains mod

Category - Sounds
Mod version:3.8
Game version:1.44
The mod has been successfully tested for the absence of viruses

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About This Mod

This patch fixes an incompatibility between Enhanced Trains 3.8 mod and the new version of the game 1.44 (release version).

This patch does not change the mod or add-on itself, but it does eliminate all fashion errors appearing in the logs and incompatibility with the new traffic rules.

Mod is compatible with Convoy mode, but trains will still appear and disappear near the player (in a single game, trains do not disappear).

Installed directly on top of the Enhanced Trains 3.8 mod, in the Add-ons section.

This patch is tied to version 1.44 and cannot be installed on other versions of the game.

It is only for Enhanced Trains 3.8 mode version.

The patch will be updated for new versions of the game.

The Enhanced Trains 3.8 mod can be found at the "Original" link. Installation is required to use the patch.

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Game Version *

1.44 (ada8e088909856a0f8f18d2c6c33b6b9.scs)