
Flame rose armor tweak

Mod version:1.01
Game version:all
The mod has been successfully tested for the absence of viruses

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About This Mod

 This mod changes the arms of the Flaming Rose armor to align them more harmoniously with other armor. I always felt that the original cuffs didn't fit with the rest of the armor, both in terms of artistic style and graphics (in fact, they were cuffs from the Witch Hunter armor, but painted red). So I had the idea to replace the cuffs with other armor, in this case on the Cidarian's armor, and give him red sleeves. I think the end result looks much more attractive, and now it goes well with other items of equipment. It is incompatible with other mods that edit this armor.

There is an additional file of this fashion that replaces the silly gloves (reskin Viper gloves) with Toussaint Knights gloves and makes them look like short gloves (at the cost of possible incompatibility with some stat xml mods) that I think look cooler and better than the default gloves. All icons have been modified to adapt them to new visual effects.


1. Download the file;

2. Extract the folder "modFlamingRoseArmorTweak" to the folder of game /The Witcher 3/Mods/ (if it does not exist, create it);

3. Start the game.


1. Remove "modFlamingRoseArmorTweak" from /The Witcher 3/Mods/;

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Game Version *

all (Flaming Rose Armor Tweak-4390-1-03-1704909569.rar)