
The Mandalorian - Boba Fett - Jango Fett

Mod version:1
Game version:1
The mod has been successfully tested for the absence of viruses

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About This Mod

A Star Wars-themed retexture pack that includes Star Wars armor and a replacement for Mantis armor. Male and female versions of The Mandalorian, Boba Fett, Boba Fett (classic) and Django Fett.

Items using the console commands in your inventory (open the console by clicking

tilde (~):

Armor (in inventory in section "Suits" -> "Astra Suit")

player.additem 12E187

Armor with a cape ( In the inventory in the section Spacesuits -> "Star Spacesuit Venator")

player.additem 21C77F

Praying mantis substitute - Armor (In the inventory in the section Spacesuits -> Praying mantis Spacesuit)

player.additem 226299

Mantis substitute - Helmet (In the inventory under Helmets -> "Mantis Space Helmet")

player.additem 16640A

Mantis substitute - backpack (in inventory in the section "Backpacks" -> "Mantis")

player.additem 16640B

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Game Version *

1 (99449ad06390b29eda0e89252f90548c.rar)