
Wave Heroes | Map for Minecraft

Category - Tests
Mod version:v1.0
Game version:1
The mod has been successfully tested for the absence of viruses

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About This Mod

The Wave Heroes map offers a unique opportunity to experience the tower defence genre in the world of Minecraft. To play the full game, two players must play against each other. The map's structure resembles a dungeon, and lava breaks through to the surface. A small bridge divides the players.

description_0 Wave Heroes | Map for Minecraft

The rules of Wave Heroes are quite simple. Each player chooses which mobs will attack their opponents, and the Wave Heroes games last until one of the users is attacked by monsters.

description_1 Wave Heroes | Map for Minecraft
description_2 Wave Heroes | Map for Minecraft

How to install a card

Step 1: Download the archive with the map.

Step 2: Unzip the archive and create a folder.

Step 3: Copy the Wave Heroes map folder to the .minecraft/saves (if not, create it yourself).

Step 4: Find the map in the menu on the "Single Game" tab.

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Game Version *

1 (042c92e48c270bfc53add3baa7917423.rar)