
GTA V Online Apartment

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About This Mod

Description: This map is for sandbox mode. Completed. After only three months of development, we are proud to present our next project. This time we have ported two versions of the players' apartments from GTA Online. The map consists of three apartments and one high garage. High circle + Middle circle + Low circle + Low circle + Low circle + High garage. The add-on contains two cards. The first map is full and contains all models and objects. The second card is almost empty. I've been asked to create these versions to accommodate models. Both maps contain nodes and navigation. The maps were named gm_gtav_mp_apa_06 and gm_gtav_mp_apa_06_no_props. To do this, simply press the USE switch on the wall. Switches that actually work will make a sound. This is the solution to the problem of game failure when loading the card: In most cases, the problem lies in the graphics settings of the game. If the game crashes while loading this card, go to: Graphics Settings -> Advanced -> Model Detail -> High |● If you have problems with FPS, type gmod_mcore_test 1 in the console. This command can be used for any card.

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