
HOUSE 2013 - release of the project "Reality"

Mod version:1.1
Game version:all
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About This Mod

Easy to play, quality and stable ENB. Based on the latest binaries and code and includes the original enbeffect.fx code. Developed and tested with the recently released Project Reality Mk1: Nevada Skies URWLified version: DoF works. This file is updated immediately and includes features such as HDR, improved bloom, depth of field blur, improved post-processing color, solar shaft, self-shading objects and terrain, SSAO/SSIL, etc. Project Reality Mk1 should be used to get the right visuals; Nevada Skies leads to too dark shadows and a strange sky; House 2013 includes Matso, Dpeasant, Brodiggan Gale, IndigoNeko and codes from several other different ENB tweakers and coders. Based on an unreleased and long-planned tweet for Skyrim, the release of this tweet will be delayed by a week or two.

Game Version *

all (HOUSE