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- Improved Alliance Building Set

Improved Alliance Building Set
About This Mod
There are currently five categories:
- Walls (part of walls and gates);
- Columns (with bindings for connecting energy sources/consumers);
- Corners (includes nine finished corners to make a fully closed wall as simple as possible);
- Other (currently only turret racks);
- Modules (in some versions of Alliance House, with door fasteners and manual installation of Navi-net).
Columns should be built between each wall - some walls are connected to the columns, but not to each other. Some columns can also be connected to concrete walls in DLC Wasteland Workshop.
All of these elements are available in Structures -> Concrete -> Alliance, each of which has its own subcategory.
This menu has been scripted and should work with all of them.
Especially since you have to go from wall segment to wall segment many times, each time potentially choosing a new one.
Fewer keystrokes.
All meshes are replaced with vanilla versions, so new turret racks can be tied to existing walls in the Alliance; it is not recommended to try to break or move existing walls in the Alliance, as this may cause problems with LOD. However, if this feature is enabled by another mod, you can take the risk at your discretion.
Walls, corners and pillars carry energy. Generators, lights, turrets and call-signs can be connected to poles without the need to install electrical masts or connectors.