
Realistic rain

Category - Weather mods
Mod version:v4.6
Game version:1.48
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About This Mod

- Compatible for version 1.48


- Supports FMOD sound system.

- Compatible with all DLC and map mods (ProMods...)

- Compatible with Sound Fixes Pack from Drive Safely

- Compatible with all trucks (Trucks mod included)

- Compatible with the "Additional Mod" for Convoy Mode

- It should work with other weather/graphics mods, but remember that RR is higher in priority.

< /p>

Note: You should be aware that thunders are disabled in Autumn Seasons By Grimes. The absence of these aspects is not related to the 'Realistic Rain' mod.


- Must have high priority in Mod Manager. Realistic rain BEFORE/AFTER Weathers/Graphics, Maps and Sound mods.

Recommended: Turn off the reverb options in the game sound settings, the sound will be cleaner and without echo for all surrounding sounds, engines, etc.


Main author: Darkcaptain

Thanks for the FMOD tool guides : Robinicus, Drive Safely

Thanks for your help in older versions: Cip, Frkn64, AlexeyP

Thanks for your support: Antoniopua, Stropher, silberfuchs, Shyfty221

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Game Version *

1.48 (292475dd30d092ff007ac3f081ec06d3.scs)