
Real Traffic Density

Category - Traffic density
Mod version:1.49
Game version:1.49
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About This Mod

-Traffic density and density specified for g_traffic value 1

- Depending on the daily intensity, type of road, size of the city;

- More cars and buses in the city, more trucks on the highway, more cars in rush hours;

- Semaphore contains 2 small changes in road construction, which increase the duration of the green signal, and 2 seconds (switching from green to red) instead of 3 seconds in yellow;

- Added a variety of coloring for cars;

- Added support for real emergency AI packet mode.

Version 1.49 for the US truck simulator (version 1.49.x):.

description_0 Real Traffic Density

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Game Version *

1.49 (71c8934d715631d16c2ec397ec28e611.scs)