
Extended Traffic Light Synchronization v1.51.240831 (r1)

Category - Other mods
Mod version:v1.51.240831
Game version:1.51
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About This Mod

This change sets a longer interval between traffic lights.

The interval between green signals is 24 s. (26 s in some countries);

Intervals between yellow signals 4 s before red;

2 from yellow (or none in some countries) before green;

2-second interval for switching between signal modes. (in countries where there is no yellow signal after red);

dimming traffic light when street lights are off

increasing refueling times at gas stations for artificial intelligence vehicles;

the time for checking documents at borders has been increased.

Added support for version 1.51 of the game

Minor fixes and improvements

Versions: 1.50, 1.51.

Author : Madman

Similar Mods/Addons

Game Version *

1.51 (Extended Traffic Light Timing.7z)