
Where is my bus

Mod version:2.0
Game version:All
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About This Mod

description_0 Where is my bus
description_1 Where is my bus
description_2 Where is my bus
description_3 Where is my bus
description_4 Where is my bus
description_5 Where is my bus
description_6 Where is my bus
description_7 Where is my bus
description_8 Where is my bus
description_9 Where is my bus

Changes in version 2.0:

- Integration with the fashion "Small bus stop (Lion053)"

- Extra bus - Set of 4 colors 2 versions (double-story, double-story outdoor) + standard yellow bus

- Minor version of the stop

-Ticket stand

- New menu structure - Types of stops available in the menu, individual size options using Ctrl+ V

- Speed of all buses slightly increased

Fashion updates are important.

1. The small stop is now separated from the big stop (and is available from the category menu), so after the upgrade, a large stop will appear in its place..、

2. For users of "Small Bus Stop (Lion053)" - this mod is now integrated with "Where is my bus", so it must be removed before the update. A stop from this fashion should stay in its place in the saved game.

3.Uninstall the old version of "Where is my bus" before installing the new one.

4. When you start saving the game, you will see a message both about the lack of fashion and information about the new fashion "Where is My Bus" (because it has a new fashion ID).


Maud adds new options for bus stops:

- 2 times the standard version with increased number of tourists with luggage (designed for hotel and public berths) and new distinctive signs

- 3x new version with standard size 3x2

- 7 times larger version of the small bus stop (2x1)

-3x larger ticket booth

Bus stops at the port:

- Standard 3x2 size, 5 times version

- 3 times version of the small bus stop (2x1)

- 3 times version of the small bus stop (3x1)

-2-time ticket booth


- 1x new color trim (yellow) for standard tire

- Double-decker bus 4x (2x with "Small bus stop (Lion053)", new 2x)

- Double-decker bus, open for 4x (with tourists)

Categories menu (modified in version 2.0):

- The bus stop icon now works as a category, including stops and 2 versions of kiosks, options available when pressing Ctrl+V

- Bus stop in the port: icon next to public berths (in both types of menu), its variant acting as a category, including 3 versions of stops and kiosks, Ctrl+V. - You can choose from a variety of options, including: bus stop, 

Stops in ports increase the range by 50%.

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